Half Marathon Training in 5 weeks

5 things I did to prepare for 2 half marathons in a short period

Taking on the challenge of training for two half marathons in just five weeks may not be everyone’s cup of tea and I don’t recommend it without caution. My decision to take on this intense training regimen stemmed from a brief hiatus from running and being in decent enough shape to pull this off. If you are a new or sporadic runner unless under the guidance of a trainer, and even then, the risk of injury is high. So, just be careful and get sound advice before doing anything crazy like I did. I’m getting older and testing the waters to see what my body can and can not take. I am someone who enjoys pushing my physical limits and trust me, I’m paying the price, but I chose to do that because I’m a little nuts when it comes to physical fitness. So, here’s a glimpse into how I navigated a four to five-week training plan and completed two half marathons at around an eight-minute pace.

  1. I decided to make training fun. I found running clubs that were encouraging, fun, and quietly competitive. I didn’t stress over pace. If I felt good, I ran fast. If I didn’t, I made. It was all ab’. It was all about quality over quantity.

  2. Listened to my body

    • Ran when I could. I thought I had to run at a particular time every day for years, but now, I have a schedule to follow. If my body says “no,” I listen.

    • Slowed down training when it didn’t feel great. If I didn’t feel 100%, but I had to run, I slowed down the pace and cut down some of the mileage. Again, it’s all about listening to your body and not ignoring the signs.

  3. Added Hot Yoga

    1. Great way to de-stress. For me, hot yoga helped me stay in the present. It’s so hot, and the moves are so intricate I didn’t have time to think about what was next or the later part of my day. I was right there in the moment.

    2. Reconnect with myself and my body. When I’m in hot yoga, I can fully see who I am. It’s a great way to reconnect with who you are and who you want to be.

    3. Great way to stretch consistently. I’m one of those crazy runners who doesn’t stretch consistently. You know who you are. LOL! Well, when I go to hot yoga three times a week, I stretch more consistently, and my runs during the week feel great!

  4. Didn’t drink alcohol. I only drink if I’m out with friends; even then, it’s one drink. What can I say? I’m a lightweight! Luckily, I have great friends. THEY DON'T PRESSURE ME when I tell them I’m not drinking or I settle for one drink. Also, if they know I’m training for a race, they don’t even offer.

  5. Increased my protein intake. As women get older, we should increase our protein intake, so it’s a no-brainer for me! Since I was working out more than usual, I ensured I was getting the recommended protein intake so my muscles could recover properly.

Again, this is not for everyone, and any of the suggestions above can be beneficial with a regular plan 8 - 12 week plan. If there is anything to take away from this, approach training with patience, understanding your body, and relishing in the journey of physical fitness, regardless of the distance you choose to conquer. Happy Running!


Nicol: Creative Manager and Master Athlete Thriving in the DMV Area

Meet Nicol Hodges, a versatile professional, serves as a creative manager and excels as a master athlete who calls the DMV area her new home. Her remarkable journey in sports commenced in St. Charles, MO, where she achieved an impressive three-year streak as a top-ranked runner in the 400 meter dash at the state and national level. Continuing her athletic prowess at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Nicol clinched an astounding eight Big 12 Track and Field titles, including a championship victory.

In addition to her athletic abilities, Nicol possesses a rich creative background. Her journey into the world of creative management has been a testament to her passion and dedication, which mirror her athletic achievements. Nicol’s creative endeavors have encompassed innovative projects and campaigns, showcasing her unique blend of talent and expertise for companies like Mattel - Barbie, and Dr. Seuss Enterprises - The Grinch.

Continuing her academic pursuits at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Nicol further solidified her legacy by claiming an astonishing eight Big 12 Track and Field titles, alongside an illustrious championship victory. Her achievements in both the athletic and creative realms exemplify her unwavering commitment to excellence.

Today, Nicol continues to channel her deep-seated love for running, competing in a diverse array of local and national running events. Her dynamic and multifaceted journey as a creative manager and master athlete/runner serves as an inspiring testament to her unrelenting passion and drive.


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